District Governor Visit 2010
Date: 12th Jan 2010 (Tue)
Time: 2.30pm-4.00pm
Venue: Crystal Crown Hotel, Port Klang
School Participated:- SMJK Kwang Hua
- SMK Pendamaran Jaya
- SMK Pulau Ketam
- SMK Raja Lumu
- SMK Dato Hamzah (Absent)
- Pres. Jimmy Soh
- VP1 Benjamin Teoh
- VP2 Janice Hew
- AS Tan Yan Quan (Presenter 1)
- Tres Chris Lee
- FD Janelle Kow (Presenter 2)
- SD Elaine Ng
- CD Kyle Teh
- IUD Elliot Chaw
Normally the DG visit is held on April, but this year is at Jan. After finished the busy promotion weeks, our club will presented the annual report to the DG Leslie Salehuddin.
As Mrs. Rayene was busy with SPM papers, we sent all the reports to Mrs. Rosidah to check.
She was shocked with the reports checking.
Thanks to Mrs Rayene for asking us to prepare the reports during year end holidays, if not we wouldn't be able to get done the things. President Jimmy had created a video about our life in Interact, made a slide show and combined all the reports to 1 report books + printed the books. Many thanks to him, we heard that he finished all the things at Monday 4am. Later he had to wake up for school at 6am.
Well done to Janelle and Yan Quan for presented an excellent presentation during the visit.
In a nutshell, F4 batch you should always record every single activity or cash flow to prepare for the visit. Don't wait until the time reach and you burn the midnight candle...
By the way, due to H1N1 issue, this year presentation was no longer to be a competition but only an ordinary presentation. However, each clubs had gotten RM100 as reward.
Yeah, DG praised us, saying that our presentation is semi-professional. Rotarian also impressed with our work, he was worried that we won't be able to hand in the report book.
Preparation and practice
President Patrick from RCPK was giving his speech
Presentation done by Janelle and Yan Quan
President Jimmy did the slide
Presentation of prize from DG Leslie
Photoshooting with SMK Pulau Ketam